
Problems with Dead by Daylight

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· 2 min read

These are just some quick thoughts on Dead by Daylight as a long time player. These are the most obvious ones in my opinion. I might add more in the future.


One of the most frustrating aspects of Dead by Daylight is the matchmaking system. Unless you’re playing survivor with friends, you’re likely to encounter teammates who lack the necessary skills or understanding of the game. This often leads to quick and demoralizing losses. We don’t need a completely strict matchmaking system, but there are extreme cases happening often which shouldn’t be a thing.

While many people argue that solo queue is unplayable, because of lack of communication, I disagree. A good team of solo players will do good. The main problem is matchmaking.

Game Mechanics and Balance

While Dead by Daylight offers a chaotic and unpredictable gameplay experience, there are certain mechanics that can be quite frustrating. For example, when a Killer like the Cannibal instantly downs a survivor and stands over them, it’s nearly impossible for the survivors to save their teammate unless they complete generators exceptionally fast and they have time to crawl to a gate and force pick up.

While some might argue that the game’s imbalance adds to its charm, there are instances where it becomes overly frustrating. Certain things can be overwhelmingly powerful, creating an uneven playing field, especially if only one side brings it. This leads to both side gravitating towards strong options which lessens diversity of the game. For example Nurse with the best loadout and map offering or on the survivor’s side things like syringes, styptics…

Another thing which isn’t helping is map design. While it’s slowly getting a bit better it’s still horrible. This problem is exacerbated by the map offering system. Some maps are heavily tilted towards either killers or survivors, creating a frustrating experience.

The grind inherent to Dead by Daylight doesn’t help balancing either. I don’t expect it to get better.

More example of game breaking issues:

  • survivors hiding forever - While there is a 1 hour time limit and AFK crow system, it’s not enough. The crow system can be easily worked around.

Focus on New Chapters

While the game’s constant release of new chapters keeps it fresh. It often overshadow the need for addressing existing issues within the game. Many players would prefer to see more focus on current issues rather than the often rushed continuous release of new characters and maps.

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About Yui